Our computer crashed and we had to send it back to the manufacture to be fixed. So here is what we have been up to the past few weeks.
Avery played dress up...
And tried raspberries for the first time...
I dabbled in some extreme couponing and got all this for $11.83. A total savings of $20.80.
Avery had a playdate with her first cousin, Ellie, who is only two days older than her.
I painted an old mirror that I inherited from my grandmother. I have big plans for this mirror. I hope to turn it in to a dress-up mirror for the play room.

I made a sensory box for AK. I filled it with items from the dollar store that had different textures (i.e. soft, squishy, rough, bumpy). I spent less than $8 on it. As she gets older I will fill the box with other sensory items for her to investigate.

We have had playdates and met new friends. So much fun! I am glad to be back blogging. Talk to you soon.
Yours Truely
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